Sunday, September 8, 2013

Temperature and Density

Hello to you, big fish!
Let's talk temperature and density today.
In the demonstration you see at the bottom, we've placed a jar filled with warm, red water over a jar filled with cold, blue water--the other jars, vice versa. In between the lip of the two jars, there is a piece of cloth preventing the liquids from colliding.
When we removed the cloths from in between the jars, the set with the red water on top stayed separate. This is because warm water is less dense than cold water, causing the red water to float above the blue. But when the cloth between the jars with the blue on top was removed, the two colors flipped and mixed together forming a dark purple color. This was because the cold water dropped and sank because it is denser than the warm water. 
The connection that this demonstration provides is that in a lake during the summer time, warmer water sits on top of the colder water that is underneath due to the rising temperatures during that season. (red on top of blue) But when the weather gets cooler, the lake's temperatures mix together and the cooler water rises to the top causing the water to become denser while oxygen and nutrients float up with the cooler water. (blue on top of red)
I hope we've all learned something today, big fish!
Sea you soon!
~Little Fish Leanne

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